Porn and Sex Addiction Recovery for Men 

We technically cover ALL ADDICTIONS because we are holistic and address root causes

Proudly the most thorough and comprehensive porn addiction recovery program in existence: Lifetime Access for all

Combining neuroscience, psychology, and compassion

Focusing on Subconscious Strategies

Veterans Encouraged

  Text Jessica to get started:  

  (707) 200-7764  

  Start the free intro course below  

Meet the Scientific Editor: A Recovered Porn Addict
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 Video Below) Porn is not the problem  👑 


Watch The 3 Ds to overcome Porn Addiction: tap here


Did you know that neuroscience shows us that pornography can be equally or more addictive as cocaine, yet can be even more difficult to quit without the proper help?

It's like walking around with free cocaine in your pocket while trying to break free from it. The reality is that porn is free and easy to access at any moment. 

Support is 100% available to you, starting when you have the courage to ask for help. 

Tap Here to Explore More About What's in the Program đź‘‘
Click to learn more about Jessica


The program's scientific editor is a recovered porn addict

"I am a former professor, with 70 peer-reviewed publications. I was also a porn addict. It started innocently enough, with occasional internet sessions, but after 15 years, it had escalated to criminal behavior. I filmed a woman in the shower without her knowledge. I am so horrified by this, and deeply sorry for all the people I hurt, including this brave young woman who had the courage to press charges. That put an end to my 23-year marriage, my job, and my home. I was even homeless for a short time, until a friend recommended that I use my writing skills to work as an editor. That's how I came to work at "Leap of Courage". I thought of myself as a decent person, with strong self-control. I cared deeply about people, including all those that I hurt. 

Leap of Courage can help. In helping others, I hope to help myself regain some of the self-respect that I lost. I add my critical scientific insights to the program to the expert team already in place. Although I don't deny the power of some people's connection to the spiritual, I prefer evidence-based treatment. This program has both."


If you have self-doubt or don't trust yourself: WATCH THIS

It's so common, we need to address it

More Testimonies and Comments


"Leap of Courage is chock full of invaluable information for those looking to recover from porn addiction and create a better life for themselves. When you really commit yourself to this program, you will emerge a stronger person on the other side" 

Noah Church from Portland


"I joined Leap of Courage because I truly believe it's in amazing place for all of us to gather and support each other! Both the Kings of Courage Community app and weekly group calls are extremely effective ways to get accountability, connection to others, and expert coaching."

Jakob from Germany


Email: [email protected]


Footprints of the Heart, LLC est. 2019 

Text Jessica to get started: (707) 200-7764